What is Soul Centred Psychotherapy?
Created by Kaalii and Andrew Cargill as a psychotherapeutic modality in 1994.
Soul Centred psychotherapy is a Jungian based humanistic, psychodynamic, holistic therapeutic modality that focuses on all aspects of a client’s life: thoughts, emotions, body sensations and symptoms, dreams, relationships with others and with the world. Understanding that the word Psychotherapy comes from the ancient greek :Psyche - Soul ,Therapia - Therapy. The understanding that Psyche is a integral part of the work. We are curios about what is in dwelling.
Soul Centred psychotherapists are committed to understanding the human experience as fully as possible. The leading edge of research in related fields such as energy psychology and mind-body healing, Archetypes and myth are continually studied and incorporated into the work. Ongoing seminars and training are an integral part of being a Soul Centred psychotherapist. The mind-body relationship is a central theme in Soul Centred Psychotherapy together with research and in application of Soul Centred psychotherapy therapeutic interventions.
SCP works to evoke authentic, embodied experience to support connections between mind and body, thoughts and feelings, memories and current life events.
Our responses to life situations, both positive and negative, are the stuff of soul, bringing colour, life and passion to our journey. In Soul Centred Psychotherapy, we allow time to develop relationship with whatever is happening, to attend fully to inner experience, and to work respectfully and systematically for change.
Soul Centred Psychotherapy also attends to our relationship with ourselves--working to develop a more vital and aware relationship between our everyday sense of self and the other layers of consciousness that we usually call the unconscious. By attending to this inner relationship, we gain insight into the internal dynamics that determine our thoughts, moods and behaviours.
Soul Centred Psychotherapists use techniques from energy psychology(Tapping, BI lATERAL, EMDR, ) to support the processing of painful memories and past traumatic experiences. This ensures that the process is not overwhelming, and that change and healing occur appropriately for each person.
Soul Centred psychotherapy facilitates a more conscious, manageable and creative relationship with the internal processes that have blocked people's most intense, profound, and honest relation to life. It also works to develop a rich appreciation of the soul's reality and to nurture its depth and genius.