Finding Balance: Relaxation and Mindfulness Techniques as an essential part of therapy
Therapeutic Trance
Caring for the Inner Child
Taking Off Your Thinking Cap
remember being 7 years old and sitting at my desk at school. I would have been in Grade One at the time
The Art of Depth Psychotherapy
I was inspired to write my reflections on this topic as I am quite often asked :what is Psychotherapy? In this short piece I put down my own reflections as to what Psychotherapy means for me as a Soul Centred Psychotherapist.
What is Soul Centred Psychotherapy?
Soul Centred psychotherapy is a Jungian based humanistic, psychodynamic, holistic therapeutic modality that focuses on all aspects of a client’s life: thoughts, emotions, body sensations and symptoms, dreams, relationships with others and with the world. Understanding that the word Psychotherapy comes from the ancient greek :Psyche - Soul ,Therapia - Therapy. The understanding that Psyche is a integral part of the work. We are curios about what is in dwelling.
How to Work with Experiences of Trauma
How to work with trauma
Learn the Power of Focusing
The Focusing process involves brining your awareness into your body. Noticing any sensations that may be there. When we experience an emotion, or are considering an issue, concern, experience or belief, there are likely to be particular sensations or places in the body where these resonate. Rather than ignoring the body responses or trying to understand them in a rational way, Focusing involves just noticing the body experience and allowing any words, images, memories, or internal voices/thoughts to come into awareness.
What is Tapping?
Whats the difference between EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique and Thought Field Meridien Therapy.