Establishing your Working Hypothesis: Your map for the journey

Join me for two dynamic and experiential half days online exploring how to create your Working Hypothesis – a map for the journey. This PD is suitable for Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Mental health workers and Psychologists as well as for personal development.

A Working Hypothesis, or case formation, is a vital tool for therapists. It helps guide us in our work with our client, offering a container and an anchor. It enables us to hold to the fluidity of the therapeutic process that continues to change and evolve alongside our client.

Developing your Working Hypothesis usually starts from the first point of contact with your new client: the phone call or email. At this stage, you have begun gathering information about the person seeking your help. You are putting together a picture. A map. It’s the beginning of the assessment phase. This begins during your first meeting, and continues to develop and evolve during the time you are working together.

This is the map that informs you what your client requires and how to support them in their healing. Having the map to refer to every now and then is your compass. It informs you of what’s needed: The when, how and why.

As part of the two days, you will explore how to establish and create your own Working Hypothesis guided in the Soul Centred Psychotherapy Modality. We will be using theory from Alexander Lowen’s Character Structures, Malan’s Defence Triangle, and Peter Levin’s SIBAM model to create our map. You don’t need to have any prior knowledge of these theories, as I will be sending out relevant reading material before the PD.

This will be an informative, creative and very practical workshop, leaving you with real, tangible tools to use.

I look forward to sharing this with you.

What to bring for the day

  • Drawing pad and crayons

  • Have a client in mind to work with for your map

  • Make sure you have yummy snacks for your tea break - you will also need this as part of an exercise we’ll do in the workshop.


When: Friday May the 31st and Saturday June the 1st

Time: 9:30am-12:30pm AEST

Location: Zoom

Cost: $200

CPD Points allocated - 6

Facilitated by Lindy Spanger

To make a booking email

Places are limited.

Hosted By the ASCP – Association of Soul Centred Psychotherapists - a member association with PACFA.

Stay In touch to find out about up coming workshops.